Mr.Mason Witzler is a country director at Social Entrepreneurs International USA . Before taking that position in 2020, He was a strategy consultant and team leader at a U.K pipeline company entering the U.S market, and a Spanish luxury furniture company entering the Shanghai market. He is also an active Research Fellow for the Resource, Environment, and Energy lab at the Africa Center for Strategic Progress; a policy solution think tank aimed at addressing the needs for policy solutions to some of Africa’s most pressing issues such as climate change.

At SE International , besides a country director , Mason engages in a portfolio of development priorities and is a backstop for Cultural, Educational, Technical and Professional Exchange, Public Health Professionals without Borders, Green USA-Africa, Socio-economic solutions and consultancy, Food for All and USA-Africa affordable housing projects.

Mr. Mason received his BA in Economics at UMBC and MSc in International Business at Nottingham-Trent University in UK .He has also taken up individua study at the United States Institute of Peace where he received over 20 certifications in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, conflict analysis, negotiation, civil resistance, and quiet diplomacy. Mason has a unique passion for aiming to solve some of the most pressing socio-economic issues in the world through strategically innovative solutions.